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Hypnosis Sessions

Hypnotherapy sessions can be facilitated for any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual outcome you want. The most common session types are listed below.

You can address anxiety, fears, phobias, manage chronic pain, migraines, insomnia, deal with childhood issues, reduce stress and change undesired behaviors. Spiritual hypnosis sessions can help you experience expanded states of consciousness, clear your chakras, connect with your higher-self and guides, increase your intuition, understand your life purpose and much more.


White Sand and Stone
Zen Garden

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20 minute Consultation


The information provided on this website is intended for educational purposes only and in no way is intended for diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any health disorders. The information contained within this site is not intended to replace or conflict with advice given by your physician. Some conditions discussed on this site may require a medical or psychological referral.



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