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Client Experiences

Previous and current clients speak out about their success with hypnotherapy.

Read their testimonials below to see how their lives have been altered by hypnosis.


Since our work together, I feel genuinely different, in a lasting way. I found Yasmin at a time in my life when I was really struggling. I was very emotionally low, lacking purpose and a sense of direction, despite on the surface “knowing where I was going”. I needed deeper confirmation of why I am here, why I agreed to incarnate again and what my purpose is for being alive. We did a progression of hypnotherapy sessions culminating in a Life Between Lives session, all of which blew my mind. I’ve been meditating for 30 years and I was able to access deeper places in my psyche than I have ever been able to get to through meditation alone. The self-sabotage that plagued me most of my life is finally gone, I know exactly why I am here and what my purpose is, I am blossoming in a way I only dreamed of before. Yasmin is like a wise owl. She has large luminescent eyes that see far & she really cares about our work together. I feel blessed to have found her.








I have been receiving Past Life Regression at the hands of Yasmin for some years. I have been able to completely relax and trust, under her gentle guidance. Very illuminating past life scenarios have emerged which have really helped heal and understand difficult situations in my life. After 'waking up' from a semi hypnotic state, Yasmin would go over what I had experienced in that particular session, lucidly and without any judgment whatsoever, helping me understand what I had experienced. Later she would clear stagnant energy through other techniques and energy exchange, which were highly effective. These sessions with Yasmin have made a huge difference in my life and I really can't thank her enough. It was at her fingertips that I understood the layer upon layer of our psyche and our past lives that play out in the same patterns, unless we wake up and choose to free ourselves. 








I was stuck in my life and no matter how much work I did with energy healing, working with powerful healers, no matter how much other spiritual work I did, I wasn’t able to change it for the better. I started working with Yasmin and within a very short period of time she helped me clear my path to finally live the life I want and that is aligned with my authentic self

We did Simpson Protocol sessions working with my superconscious mind, which always knew what I exactly needed. Guided by my superconscious mind, we identified the unknown blockages and then worked to heal my past, present and future self. During the process I got clear insights of the issues and the solutions, feeling into the best version of myself and feeling into how life is supposed to feel. What impressed me the most is the effective re-programming, where I could let go of thoughts within a week, that didn’t serve my highest good. 

The work Yasmin does is 100% designed to serve your highest and greatest good, aligning you with the true needs of your soul to live the best version of yourself. What is also very unique about Yasmin is that she truly cares about her clients and takes extra time if needed, she checks on you, and she is a very trustworthy person that acts from a place of integrity, honesty and pure intentions. I am thankful that Yasmin empowered me incredibly and that I got my power back!








Hi Yasmin. During the Past Life Regression, you had taken me back to a recent past life that was relevant to me. I felt myself inhabit a stoic male body that felt very different to my current female form, and my life lessons were revealed to me. I was also shown a series of images that were accompanied by this feeling of knowing and security which have given me the faith to unwaveringly move forward on my path. 

During the Life Between Lives Regression, which lasted about four and a half hours, the hypnosis was deeper and easier to achieve. You took me through my childhood, to birth and we went to a different recent past life. I was a mother, and my current husband was my husband then as well. I also saw my sister and a close friend, and experienced the death of my father-in-law, who was of a healing profession.

There were several imageries that were shown to me in the session that I found affirming and absolutely invaluable. I have often recalled them over the past eighteen months, and marvel at the preciousness of what you had facilitated me to see. I saw and felt my husband’s true self in the ether, and was inspired by how much joy he radiated. We were having seemingly insurmountable marital problems, but they felt less concrete after our session, and I have diligently worked to improve our relationship since.

I saw that my soul really loved books. You had troubles extricating me from the library. I feel more at peace with my decision of leaving academia to pursue my medical degree. I also saw and felt from this experience that it was the correct decision to learn how to better connect with people from the heart, and to love. 

I met my mentor, who was dark blue and flashed light blue whenever he wanted to emphasize a point. I asked him why my life was so difficult and do I not deserve a break since I have worked so hard on personal and spiritual development over the last fifteen years? I felt overwhelmed and was in tears when we first spoke over the phone.
My mentor laughed quietly and said,” Your life isn’t hard; it really isn’t. You chose it. You have been through worse. You wanted this life and you knew you would do it justice.” The shock that I felt at hearing that response changed something within me, and this change has be sustained since.

We also saw my council of elders and that was incredible. People have remarked that I am terribly brave in the face of adversity, but boy was I squirming and not wanting to have that reckoning. It was such an affirming experience. I was also shown images as answers to each of the questions, and they allowed me to let go of emotional fetters, or deepened insight, or bring joy, all with minimal fuss.

Finally, before you ended our session, you asked me to describe me. In that moment, I saw me, and was overwhelmed at how beautiful she was. I felt and understood that I am good and enough and worthy.

The two sessions may have ended eighteen months ago, but I am still experiencing them and there have been changes in my life and my self that people around me have noticed. I have been inspired to work really hard with a light heart because of them, and recommend you with my whole heart.







My father and mother divorced when I was four, and I tried to maintain a relationship with my father after the divorce. However, my father wasn’t always receptive to my calls or attempts to reach out to him. As an adult, he tried to reach out to me, but I still felt bitter towards him. I wanted to heal the resentment that I felt, so we could try and re-establish a healthy relationship. I had a single Past Life Regression session with Yasmin.


I felt rejuvenated after the session and had this overall feeling of peace. I felt the resentment dissipate from me during the session. I understood why my father made the decisions he made. It didn’t justify his behavior, but it released the resentment I felt. I visited my father a few months after the session with Yasmin. There was no pain, no hurt, only love during our visit. I felt connected to my father. I could see him for what he was, a person living with his pain from the past. I felt love for him for the first time in twenty-six years. I am so grateful to have received the past life regression therapy from Yasmin, and I will be returning for further sessions. I believe this therapy is something that everyone could benefit from. 







I had the pleasure of recently enjoying a few sessions with Yasmin, focusing on Past Life Regression and Life between Lives Regression. Yasmin spent a good deal of time preparing me for my sessions and both getting to know me, and what it was I was hoping to learn. My sessions were nothing short of life changing. My entire perception of our world has changed and I have gained more understanding of my life, why I am here, the essence of my relationships and my connection to spirit, than I could have ever thought was possible. Yasmin helped me every step of the way, a gentle guiding force, navigating with assurance and professionalism. I could not have been in better hands.!

Within two months I had someone very close to me, unexpectedly, pass away, and because of my new awareness I was able to see it all with a different perspective and be more at peace with my loved one and help them through their own transition. Something I did not expect at all, and something for which I will always be eternally grateful.  A heartfelt thank you Yasmin!








I had always been very passionate to have a regression to one of my past lives by a professional and skilled hypnotherapist. I found Yasmin by an online search and sent her a request for Past Life Regression. The first amazing thing was her method of having a half-hour free consultation by phone, to hear my reasons for the session and answering all my questions before giving me an appointment. Then, to be honest, I was a bit doubtful if it was going to work on me or not!  But it turned out to be a fantastic, unbelievable experience, by which after almost three weeks, I am still shocked by the results. First of all her voice and the way she was guiding me in my journey, was really effective and took me so fast to my exciting past life scenes. 

I saw things in one of my past lives in which I had a completely opposite character, and was shown how the things I am going through in this life are so related to the ones I did in that life, and now the way I see everything..... is totally changed!  I am really relieved and so happy about what I have learned.








Having a Past Life and Life Between Lives Regression was one of the most amazing, heart and eye opening experiences of my life. I had always felt drawn to know about my past lives, but never found anyone who I could do this work with, until I came across Yasmin. I can't fully express in words the amount of healing that can take place through these means. Even just being in that relaxed state feels amazing. But then the amount of knowledge you can find out about yourself, through your higher self, is truly amazing. And Yasmin is a great guide to have for this. She is very kind, and you feel able to open up in her presence. She is very good at what she does and I easily went into hypnosis with her soothing voice. Prior to these experiences, I had some hang-ups that were affecting my day to day life and happiness. I wasn't even conscious of this fully, but since my LBL I feel so much lighter and freer, I realize how much these things were holding me back. And none I would have been able to realize without the help of Yasmin and her healing work. Everything in my life flows more smoothly now, and I am able to let go and flow with things too. If you are feeling called to work with Yasmin , it is probably your soul calling you because you are ready to live your life freer and lighter. 








While highly professional, there was a sincerity and a connection that was instant and complete. I always felt safe and totally trusted Yasmin while under hypnosis. I undertook several of Yasmin’s treatments but for the purpose of this reference I am writing about the Inner Child session that we undertook.


What a profound experience. I can not tell you how transformative an experience this was. Probably the most deep seated issue that I had no doubt consciously forgotten about reared itself when I least expected it. Talk about ugly crying. Yasmin gently walked me through the situation, helped me resolve my childhood pain and gave me the tools to move forward into the future. To this day, when the childhood trauma re-emerges, I use the tools that Yasmin gave me to bring myself to a better place.

Yasmin has changed my life, given me a confidence and self-love that I now realize was almost non-existent. Thank you Yasmin for changing my life. With love and good wishes.







After having read “Journey of Souls”, I wanted to find out what Michael Newton was talking about so I went onto the Newton Institute website to look for someone that was qualified to do an LBL.

I do not live in Vancouver and had to fly there. It was the easiest place for me to get to and after viewing all those in and near Vancouver, I decided that Yasmin felt right for me. She is very professional and I was extremely pleased with my experiences. She started with an interview online to determine what I was looking for and if we could work together (it is very important to feel comfortable with your LBL therapist). We set up two appointments, one was a Past Life Regression that took about two hours and then the Life Between Lives Regression which was scheduled within a day and was about five hours long.


The sessions took me to where I needed to go and not where I thought I would go. The LBL helped me to understand what my purpose in life is and how important it is to just be and not to worry about what we think we should be doing because it is all right for us. I am much more able to handle problems calmly now and understand that in LBL there is no judgement. Yasmin also followed up with me and that was important because I did have a few questions and she helped me to understand those too. Every time I think about what I am here for, I take a step back and breathe easy. What I experienced was very enlightening and if someone is interested in having an LBL, I would highly recommend Yasmin.








I started working with Yasmin, when I was going through a rather difficult time in my life. Nothing seemed to be going as planned and there were many areas that just didn’t seem to be moving in the right direction. Through the various techniques practiced at the sessions like Cord Cutting, Aura Clearing and Inner Child, we managed to remove a lot of the blockages in those areas and slowly but surely things started to move in the right direction. We were working on starting a family at the time, and now I can happily state that I am a proud mum. Yasmin is professional and treats her patients with kindness and ensures absolute confidentiality. I would recommend Yasmin and wish her all the best in her practice.  








I had read and heard about hypnotherapy, but the thought of it scared me for years. At around the age of 44-45, with all things going seemingly well, I felt a heaviness, deep sadness, general fear and constant angst building up. On the recommendation of a friend I went (fearfully) for hypnotherapy. I was afraid of loosing control, and saying things I was afraid to face. 

From my first
Aura Clearing session (with Yasmin), I started seeing a change. Firstly, although in a state of deep relaxation, in no way and at no time did I feel out of control or exposed. The first person who I encountered was a grandparent I had never met and never really thought about, and the feeling of overwhelming love and support I felt was worth everything. From then on, the beings I encountered, some known, some unknown, some I believed to be my well wishers, some from past lives etc., served as an enormous cleanse for me. The people flowed into my space/consciousness easily, my silent dialogues with them were to the point and clear, and the weight I felt lifted off me was unbelievable. I found causes of and connections to negative patterns, and on understanding them, many just dissolved into non-issues. I would highly recommend hypnotherapy to ease tensions and internal fears and stress if you feel them, and also, as a way to connect to the inner core of one’s being.








Past Life Regression helped me realize what is important from a higher perspective and provided clarity on my current path. I recognized the lessons that have continued in this life that I have been repeating. One of my sessions was based on finding purpose in my life. Seeing my life as a Dutch woman in the early 1800's I found many similarities to my current life, such as a love for nature, animals and adventure. However, she did not take an opportunity that could have helped many people because of fear. This perspective helped me realize that I’m already on the right path, but when the right opportunities arise, I will be more prepared to act. My work and feeling of purpose have significantly increased since this experience.

Another regression was about finding true love. It brought me back to becoming a detective in London in the 1920's. As I went through time, I experienced seeing my grandmother in this life as my mother in that life. She is now passed away, but I spoke to her from all three dimensions (that life, her as my grandmother, and her spirit), bringing an intense emotional and healing moment. Later in this life I went to the moment where I saw my true love from that life for the first time. When our eyes met, it felt like she had not seen me for 100 years and our connection continued an eternal bond through multiple lives. I felt the power of this connection, and that feeling that soul mates continue across lives. Love is what really matters in this life, and I’ve felt more in love with my life and more open to true connection ever since.



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